In short: Linux, embedded devices, programming, zen, bonsai, piano, juggling, music, hacks, electrotechnics, robotics, bike, AI, Linux again, computers.
In longer you can read here: bio

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typedef struct { long timestamp, int length, char * content } article_t

Just Tardis

Since I saw Doctor Who for a first time, I wanted Tardis so badly... So once when I saw parallax effect, It reminds me famous sentece: "It's bigger inside ...

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Firefly Wallpaper

Hi folks. It has been some time since last update. Meanwhile I was working on AROS and it made me quite busy, so there wasn't any updates. Unfortunatelly, I ...

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Old site

There is located old copy of my blog. It's HTML copy, so I am pretty sure that some features (like Search), are not going to work. And once, when ...

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Blog transformation

After some time I am back and in new coat. It was pretty much work but it worth it. I was quite annoyed by behaving of my old blog. Old ...

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