Grafika vytvořená v programu Inkscape. Ca 2 hodiny práce.
akce aros bike citát cola cyklo demostrace dendron EuroCase fire freescale freescale cup G840 grafika H61 happening hardware Intel kolo kácení lampový olej Linux líh MSI oheň on the road park pc Pentium pivo podpal poi poi poi programming project stroj strom techblog tfc tip točení trip Tyršovy sady výlet žonglování
Me on twitter
Vojtech Vladyka: @opera May I have a question? Why is linux version so old? Opera used to be my favorite browser since was supported...
Vojtech Vladyka: So smooth and great experience while working with @clion_ide. It's EAP and it's much better then anything I tried before on Linux.
Vojtech Vladyka: FlexTimer works! #TFC #AROS